Release Date: May 04, 2012

Runtime: 2 hr. 23 min.
Director: Joss Whedon
Cast: Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders, Stellan Skarsgård.
It's never an easy task to create a great superhero movie: one that expresses a story and builds the character, while set in a world acclimated to reality. Yet it's a whole other feat altogether to assemble, not two, but four separate character arcs and make it consistent; let alone coherent and manageable. But if there's one person up to the challenge, it's Joss Whedon, and he pulls off the unthinkable in this summer's first major blockbuster. Already familiarized with the supernatural elements (Buffy, Firefly)
and a master storyteller at that (Cabin in the Woods)
Whedon delivers what should rightfully be called the 'superhero' of all comicbook movies. Bringing together an enormous cast of Marvel favorites that include Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, just to name a few, he manages to carry a narrative that's both smart and well-crafted. From the distinct character details, to the more subtle musical inclusions, the film integrates everything seamlessly for an epic adventure that took years to surmount. Brimmed with endless action sequences and witty dialogue, no individual is left unaccounted for
main, or supporting. What's more is the evolution, or revelation, of the green hero formerly known as The Hulk. Having been resuscitated for far too long, it seems as though third time's the charm with the casting of Mark Ruffalo. More humanized in every way, Ruffalo breathes new life into the troubled character, making it the best part of every scene, as well as the movie in its entirety. With all said and done, "The Avengers" is about as good as it for "The Dark Knight," of course. But fear not, there's plenty more to come from the Marvel universe. Til then, all hail Joss Whedon.
Nice write-up Jess. With over billions and billions of comic book fans and Marvel practically breathing down his neck, Joss Whedon was given one job and one job only and that was to not screw this up. Thankfully, he doesn’t even come close to screwing it up and makes this one of the funnest superhero movies in recent time.